The Human Element: Meaningful Work Is What Your EmployeesWant

People innately need a purpose in both life and work “We have a gym, ping pong, video games, and a cafeteria open 24/7,” was the sales pitch from...
Rod Castor
5 min read

Starting your Own Business, First Things

The things you need to do when starting a business Whenever someone dreams of starting a business, they are driven by the desire expressed in the title image...
Rod Castor
8 min read

CEOs Deserve NO Respect

I’ve frequently seen a meme stating something similar to “I was raised to treat the janitor with the same respect as the CEO.”  I understand the sentiment and...
Rod Castor
1 min read

All Stories

S01:E04: Post-Series 1 Summary – Leadership

This micro-episode contains my summary of the most repeated themes throughout Series 1 on Leadership.
Rod Castor
3 sec read

S01:E03: Gary Frey: Leadership and Being Coachable Counts

Gary Frey loves helping coachable CEOs and their management teams scale, align, focus, execute & have more fun. He has served as president of...
Rod Castor
30 sec read

S01:E02: Alan White: Leadership and Why People Matter

Alan White is a technologist, strategist, innovator and leader with over 20 years’ experience in IT. He is a graduate of Queen’s University of...
Rod Castor
27 sec read

S01:E01: Oliver Lee: Leadership and the Power of Happy…

Oliver is a passionate leadership blogger that believes in the power of happy people. Through his articles and videos, he spreads the message that...
Rod Castor
13 sec read

S01:E00: Introduction to Series 1 – Leadership

This micro-episode introduces the topic of Leadership.
Rod Castor
1 sec read
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